Home School Based Education
This is a holistic approach to the provision of education to children with disabilities. It is education that encourages community / family participation to enhance acquisition of developmental skills for inclusion.
AHDI has seven (7) zones in Lusaka, three (3) of which are in the outskirts, six (6) in the two districts in southern Province and two (2) in Eastern Province where Home School Based Education (HSBEP) Programme is conducted. The zones in Lusaka are Chilanga, George, Chipata, Chawama, Chifwema, Chilambila and Kabweza, while the ones in Southern Province are Siansowa, Kanchindu, Maamba settlement, Libuyu, Dambwa central and north. While in Eastern Province are Petauke and Mwanjawanthu zones. HBEP is used to teach children who may be severe or moderately affected as well as those children with disabilities who are below 7 years of age. The teaching is done in the home using locally available materials and does not focus on academic work only but takes in consideration the six developmental areas which include cognitive, self-help, language, socialization, motor and infant stimulation. The teachers / Volunteer Home Visitors visit the child once in a week while the parent / guardian is the core educator. The programme provides pre-school education (ECCDE) to children with disabilities in their homes. It caters for children that have been left out of the mainstream due to various reasons like: severity of condition, age or inaccessibility of the available facilities and long distances as well as non- availability of facilities.