Success Stories
Child could not sit independently, was put on the HBEP and the parents (mother) were empowered with knowledge of how to work with the child. Local materials were used as seen above. Slowly the child began walking using the walking bars until he began pushing an empty 20 litre cooking oil container eventually he started learning to walk independently.
The mother narrated how she thought it was a hopeless situation and used to cry. She had little faith that what the HBEP teachers were telling them to do would help the child. The boy also improved his speech. He is able to play with friend and has brought joy to the family.
They confessed that the programme was very helpful and were also sensitizing other parents about the goodness of the programme and have continued to be an example in the community.
When time came to be in pre-school, he had to continue on the programme with focus on cognitive activities because there are no pre-schools in the area. However, Peter is eight (8) years old now, and is in school doing grade 2 at Chilambila community school.
Thank God for KNH support that is enabling AHDI to reach out to many children and their families, helping to transform lives
Peter Ng’andu

Isaac has benefited from 5 programmes run by AHDI and commitment from the mother has paid off.
He has cerebral palsy and developed all milestones through physiotherapy and home-based education. Enrolled on the child empowerment programme and was sponsored until he graduated from Evelyn Hone College with a Diploma in Office Management where he was awarded Best student at certificate stage. The mother is in a Self-Help Group and from her savings, she is running a shop and able to support her family. She belongs to another women’s group under ZECREP where they received support from the Constituency Development Fund and bought sewing machines.
The mother narrated how she thought it was a hopeless situation and used to cry. She had little faith that what the HBEP teachers were telling them to do would help the child. The boy also improved his speech. He is able to play with friend and has brought joy to the family.
They confessed that the programme was very helpful and were also sensitizing other parents about the goodness of the programme and have continued to be an example in the community.
When time came to be in pre-school, he had to continue on the programme with focus on cognitive activities because there are no pre-schools in the area. However, Peter is eight (8) years old now, and is in school doing grade 2 at Chilambila community school.
Thank God for KNH support that is enabling AHDI to reach out to many children and their families, helping to transform lives

Beatrice, a 10 year old girl has an intellectual disability and lives with her parents. She is the first born and has one sibling. When she was born, she weighed 2kg. She couldn’t breast feed as she couldn’t suck until 5 months old hence also became sickly. She was delayed in development and everything had to be taught to her. Speech developed normally.
She was enrolled onto the home based education programme in 2015. Her challenge was low concentration and poor memory. Beautrice obeys instructions and is able to carry out simple house chores. She is able to write her name and is learning simple addition and subtraction. She even started school and is in grade 2. The family is supportive of her education and even neighbors have noticed the change.
Beatrice a lot of friends at school. She likes playing ball, cooking and ‘ciato’ (throwing and catching stones). Beatrice said ‘’nikonda kupunzila pakuti nikankale nanzelu pakuti nikankale apuzinsi’’ (I like learning because it will help me become intelligent and then I can become a Teacher).
The mother to Beauty, Ms Yvonne Siabasune said, ‘’Tifunika programme iyipitilile ndaba sembe anasalila, masiku yano ayamba kuonekako nanzelu.’’ (We would like the programme to continue because without it, she would have been left behind; her intelligence has improved).
Beatrice Basune